The ongoing progress

There is one cardinal rule when it comes to webcomics: KEEP POSTING WEBCOMICS!! If you’re late or you fall behind, your visitors will get upset. But making regular updates is the hardest aspect of maintaining a webcomic website (smelling the irony?). It doesn’t help that most comic artist hate deadlines, so adhering to a self-imposed deadline is very difficult.

This is the constant challenge I am under. So far I am up-to-date and have the next 2-3 issues ready. But I must stay vigilant. I have dedicated myself to keeping “The Wizard of Quippley” a timely, regularly updated webcomic. Every Tuesday there will be a new issue.

That being said, I’m taking a month off. Just kidding. I have issue 7 in the pot as we speak. By days end it will be finished (follow me on twitter for the play-by-plays!). Hopefully I will get started on part 8 some time tomorrow.

Because we all hate those guys who don’t update their comics on time.

2 responses to “The ongoing progress”

  1. Zaymac Avatar
  2. Adam Casalino Avatar