There is one cardinal rule when it comes to webcomics: KEEP POSTING WEBCOMICS!! If you’re late or you fall behind, your visitors will get upset. But making regular updates is the hardest aspect of maintaining a webcomic website (smelling the irony?). It doesn’t help that most comic artist hate deadlines, so adhering to a self-imposed deadline is very difficult.
This is the constant challenge I am under. So far I am up-to-date and have the next 2-3 issues ready. But I must stay vigilant. I have dedicated myself to keeping “The Wizard of Quippley” a timely, regularly updated webcomic. Every Tuesday there will be a new issue.
That being said, I’m taking a month off. Just kidding. I have issue 7 in the pot as we speak. By days end it will be finished (follow me on twitter for the play-by-plays!). Hopefully I will get started on part 8 some time tomorrow.
Because we all hate those guys who don’t update their comics on time.
2 responses to “The ongoing progress”
While I would agree most of what you say is true, it is not the be all end all of webcomics. Your first and foremost goal should be to enjoy what you’re doing and not worry about making a deadline. If it starts to feel like work, than it will not be fun, and will show up in your work.
My suggestion, just focus on your story and art and have fun with it when just starting out. Having readers is great, but if that was all that drove me to keep my webcomic going, I would’ve stopped long ago. I have a story to tell, and finishing that is what keeps me going.
Just have fun. A lot of people get focused on the business side of webcomics these days, but forget the most important thing. Creating a great story. 🙂
You are absolutely correct. I actually have been discussing this exact thing over at
I certainly love what I’m doing, and intend to continue it for a long while 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!