
I just picked up a copy of “The Lost Symbol” by Dan Brown.  After only reading a few chapters I’ve already felt the urge to return to writing.  Creating webcomics is a very rewarding, though taxing discipline, but it doesn’t possess the reflective quality, or depth that writing does.

I suppose I’m bound to story telling, no matter what medium I pursue.  Both comics and prose have their merits, but writing holds a very special place in my heart.  I don’t have any published works to my name, but I hope to one day change that.  If this webcomic ever amounts to anything, I hope to use it as a platform to promote my writing, my ultimate one true creative love.

I have one manuscript “finished” (finished in ironic quotes, of course), but I have many ideas and potential stories to tell.  I’ll have to put them down somewhere.  Maybe one day I create a section on this blog for my fiction.

Than maybe someone will actually find this site and read it!

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