I am Adam Casalino. Writer. Lover. Friend

If you are looking for stories, writing tips, and general foolishness you’ve come to the write place.

  • Editing, Or: The Long Slog of Writer’s Hell

    Many, many, years ago I wrote a manuscript entitled “Black Days.” It is an occult detective novel, a subgenre that combines paranormal/fantasy tropes with classic detective mysteries. I poured much time and effort into this book–refining it many times. I even asked a few close friends to be beta readers…

  • “How to Write with Style,” Part 6

    “How to Write with Style,” Part 6

    This post is part of a series called ‘The Writer’s Pool.’ I will be drawing from the wealth of knowledge from the world’s greatest writers to explore their advice, techniques, tools, and more. We get to the next piece of advice from Vonnegut about writing with style, “Have guts to…

  • “How to Write with Style,” Part 5

    “How to Write with Style,” Part 5

    This post is part of a series called ‘The Writer’s Pool.’ I will be drawing from the wealth of knowledge from the world’s greatest writers to explore their advice, techniques, tools, and more. One of the “tricks” to finding your own style of writing is to “keep it simple.” This…

  • I AM HADES: Outline finished, time to write

    I AM HADES: Outline finished, time to write

    If you thought outlining a story was hard, just wait. I decided to try my hand at outlining my latest project, instead of jumping in headfirst. I found that many of the problems I encounter writing the story don’t go away, just because you make an outline first. I’ve always…

  • “How to Write With Style,” Part 4

    “How to Write With Style,” Part 4

    This post is part of a series called ‘The Writer’s Pool.’ I will be drawing from the wealth of knowledge from the world’s greatest writers to explore their advice, techniques, tools, and more. Vonnegut wrote that the first key to writing with style is to find a subject you care…

  • I AM HADES: Gaining Perspective through Outlining

    I AM HADES: Gaining Perspective through Outlining

    For the last two weeks, I’ve been outlining my new project: “I Am Hades.” You can learn more about it in my earlier posts, but the goal is a fiction novel inspired by classic, superhero crime fighters. In order to make sure I don’t lose momentum—and I have a finished…

  • “How to Write With Style” Part 3

    “How to Write With Style” Part 3

    This post is part of a series called ‘The Writer’s Pool.’ I will be drawing from the wealth of knowledge from the world’s greatest writers to explore their advice, techniques, tools, and more. We’re talking a look at one of Kurt Vonnegut’s best essays on writing. The celebrated author is…

  • I AM HADES: Outlining the book

    I AM HADES: Outlining the book

    Okay, so how do you outline a story? Last week, I wrote about how I wanted to write my own superhero story. At this point, it’s going to be a manuscript for a novel. Typically, superhero stories are comic books or graphic novels. But since I barely have enough hours…