I am Adam Casalino. Writer. Lover. Friend

If you are looking for stories, writing tips, and general foolishness you’ve come to the write place.

  • The best advice on writing I’ve ever read

    Thanks to my membership at Webcomics.com, I found a link to a bunch of writing tips from very famous authors. Among the usual pretentious comments and obvious pet-peeves were a few great insights. The best was this: Sound like yourself. Seems pretty obvious. But as an aspiring writer, and an…

  • One day, one day…

    I really hope to get my book published one day. How else can I get all my other books published? Anyway, I had been working on revising it at the beginning of the year, but some freelance web work has pushed that back onto the shelf. I have been contemplating…

  • Changes to the Wizard

    As you can see I have successfully updated the website. I decided to stick with WordPress, its just easier to take advantage of their tasty archiving tools and comment features. So comment away! I also decided to add some branding to the top of each comic, to highlight the issue…

  • The Wizard of Quippley on Facebook

    I just created a Facebook fanpage for the webcomic. Those of you who would like to follow its progress via facebook can now become a new! Goto: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Wizard-of-Quippley-Webcomic/332642288247 Do it today!

  • Upcoming changes to The Wizard of Quippley

    It’s only been a few months of going live and I’m already sick of WordPress/Comicpress. It’s much too confining for a web designer like myself. So in the upcoming months I plan to make some overhauls to the site. This post is more of a check list for myself. Feel…

  • Traditional Comics: too hard to keep up with?

    I love comic books. That’s a obvious. I especially love superheroes. As long as I can remember, I’ve thrilled to the adventures of Batman, Spider-man, the X-men, and the rest. It would give me no greater thrill than to continue to live vicariously through these colorfully dressed heroes today. But…

  • Ways to Improve World of Warcraft, part 1

    Before you say anything: this is my opinion, based on nothing more than my gaming experience and personal tastes.  Yeah, opinions on WoW are a dime a dozen on the internet, but this is my blog, so I’m going to write what I want.  I don’t expect Blizzard to bend…

  • A twitter push

    Hey, are you following me on twitter? Well you should! Twitter is the faster and most convenient way to learn about Wizard of Quippley updates (besides the RSS feed) and any other random thoughts that jump into my head. Why not hear read my inane rantings on an hourly basis?!…