The Top 5: The Best in Fantasy Art

Top Fantasy Art
It may come as no surprise that collecting and studying fantasy art is a bit of a hobby of mine. You can say I’m obsessed with great art and artists (though I never call them at home). I’ve seen a lot of it and I want to share some of it with you. Below is a collection of the some of the best fantasy art and artists I’ve discovered online. All artists are given their appropriate credit, with links to their site if available.

Want to share some great fantasy art? Hit me up here (or: adam[at] with the pictures or links.


Siegfried and the Twilight of the Gods, by Arthur Rackham, via willigulaArthur Rackham


Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, by Kazu Kibuishi. See all the new Harry Potter covers.
Harry Potter and Dumbledore


Renegade, by Don dos Santos


Elf Hunter, by Yuka Han


Bear Warrior, by DenmanRookebear warrior