
  • Where Do Writers Get Ideas?

    Part 2: The Things that Inspire you to Write For some reason, writers don’t like to talk about where they get their ideas. And to the outside observer, it seems like writers magically get their ideas from the thin air. In this series of posts, I hope to break down…

  • Getting Used to Writing Badly

    Getting Used to Writing Badly

    I don’t know much about Jennifer Egan, but she’s credited with one great quote: “You can only write regularly if you’re willing to write badly. You can’t write regularly and well. One should accept bad writing as a way of priming the pump, a warm-up exercise that allows you to…

  • Sketch-writing, a new discovery of mine

    Do any of you like to draw or write? I’m sure a few who visit my comic do, so I’m going to share with you a little tip. It is a simple one, for sure, one that I’m sure you already know. I–being the blunderhead that I am–only recently really…

  • A plug for

    Occasionally someone will write me and ask a few questions about creating comics for the web.  I am always eager to share my knowledge with anyone who is interested.  Often I’ll point the perceptive creator to resources I’ve found immensely useful.  One of these resources is It is the…